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序号 学号 姓名 专业 成绩 科研成绩 科研成绩换算 综合成绩 总计 文章发表题目、注明第几作者、期刊、 发表时间、影响因子,(若期刊学科排名前5%10%、或20%请标出)按要求格式填写完整
1 2016202047 李连山 农药学 89.29 210 100 0 88.93 (1)   Chiral Organophosphorous Pesticide Fosthiazate: Absolute Configuration,   Stereoselective Bioactivity, Toxicity, and Degradation in Vegetables (第一作者;   Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry; 2020.07; IF=4.192; 学科前10%) (80) (2) Stereoselective environmental   behavior and biological effects of the chiral bitertanol (第一作者;   Science of The Total Environment; 2020.08; IF=6.551(100) (3) Enantioselective   bioactivity, toxicity, and degradation in different environmental mediums of   chiral fungicide epoxiconazole    (第三作者; Journal of Hazardous   Materials; 2020.03; IF=9.038) (30)                               Zhang, J., Zhao X.J., Gao B.B., He Z.Z., Li L.S., Wang, MH. 2020.   Stereoselective uptake and metabolism of prothioconazole caused oxidative   stress in zebrafish (Danio rerio). J. Hazard. Mater. 386, 121951.(第六作者;IF: 9.038,前5% (0)     
2 2018202036 贾忠强 农业昆虫与害虫防治 87.22 200 95.24 0 84.91 (1)   Acute toxicity, bioconcentration, elimination, action mode and detoxification   metabolism of broflanilide in zebrafish, Danio rerio (第一作者; Journal of Hazardous   Materials; 2020.07; IF=9.038) (200)                                   
3 2018202039 李同浦 农业昆虫与害虫防治 86.57 192 91.43 0 81.80 (1)   Stable establishment of Cardinium spp. in the brown   planthopper Nilaparvata lugens despite decreased host fitness (第一作者;   Applied and Environmental Microbiology; 2020.02; IF=4.016) (80)  (2) Newly introduced Cardinium endosymbiont   reduces microbial diversity in the rice brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (第一作者;   FEMS Microbiology Ecology; 2020.09; IF=3.675) (40)   (3) Antibiotic exposure perturbs the bacterial   community in the small brown planthopper Laodelphax striatellus (第二作者;   Insect Science; 2020.08; IF=2.791; 学科前20%)  (12) (4)   Stable introduction of plant virus-inhibiting Wolbachia into planthoppers for   rice protection (第二作者; Current Biology; 2020.10; IF=9.601) (60)                                                                 
4 2018202062 毛雪伟 农药学 89 184 87.62 25 81.50 (1)   Molecular and Biochemical Characterization of Pydiflumetofen Resistant   Mutants of Didymella bryoniae (第一作者; Journal of Agricultural and   Food Chemistry; 2020.08; IF=4.192; 学科前10%) (80) (2) Activity   of the succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor fungicide penthiopyrad against   Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (第一作者; Plant Disease; 2020.07;   IF=3.809; 学科前20%) (40)   (3) Resistance risk assessment for fluazinam in Sclerotinia sclerotiorum,   Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology (第一作者; Pesticide Biochemistry and   Physiology; 2020.01; IF=2.751; 学科20%)  (40) 4) Impact of fluazinam on   morphological and physiological characteristics of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (第二作者;   Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology; 2019.03; IF=2.751; 学科前20%)  (12) 5)Activity   of a novel succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor fungicide pyraziflumid against   Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (第二作者; Pesticide Biochemistry and   Physiology; 2018.02; IF=2.751; 学科前20%)  (12) 
5 2017202049 高贝贝 农药学 89.65 180 85.71 0 77.54 (1)   Enantioselective disposition and metabolic products of isofenphos-methyl   in
    rats and the hepatotoxic effects (第一作者; Environment International; 2020.06; IF=7.577) (100) (2) Enantioselective   bioactivity, toxicity, and degradation in different
    environmental mediums of chiral fungicide epoxiconazole
(第二作者;   Journal of Hazardous Materials; 2019.12; IF=9.038)   (60) (3) Stereoselective uptake and metabolism of prothioconazole caused   oxidative stress in zebrafish (Danio rerio) (第四作者; Journal of Hazardous   Materials; 2020.04; IF=9.038) (20)
6 2018202014 李开怀 植物病理学 88.27 160 76.19 0 69.78 (1) RpoN1 and RpoN2 play different regulatory roles in   virulence traits, flagellar biosynthesis, and basal metabolism in Xanthomonas   campestris (第一作者; Molecular Plant Pathology; 2020.07; IF=4.326; 学科前10%)   (80) (2) Two functional fatty acyl coenzyme A   ligases affect free fatty acid metabolism to block biosynthesis of an   antifungal antibiotic in Lysobacter enzymogenes (第一作者; Applied and Environmental   Microbiology; 2020.05; IF=4.016)  (80) 
7 2017202050 陈稳产 农药学 87.87 132 62.86 0 59.07 (1)   Resistance risk assessment for a novel succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor   pydiflumetofen in Fusarium asiaticum (第一作者; Pest Management Science;   2020.08; IF=3.75; 学科前10%) (80) (2) Biological   Characteristics and Molecular Mechanism of Procymidone-Resistance in   Stemphylium eturmiunum from Garlic (第一作者; Plant Disease; 2020.09;   IF=3.809; 学科前20%) (40) (3) Mutations and Overexpression of CYP51 Associated   with DMI-Resistance in Colletotrichum gloeosporioides from Chili (第二作者;   Plant Disease; 2020.01; IF=3.809; 学科前20%) (12)                                                                              (4) Mutations at sterol 14α-demethylases   (CYP51A&B) confer the DMI resistance in Colletotrichum gloeosporioides   from grape (第四作者; Pest Management Science; 2020.06; IF=3.75; 学科前10%) (0)  5. Detection and fitness of   dicarboximide-resistant isolates of Alternaria alternata from Dendrobium   officinale, a Chinese indigenous medicinal herb, 第四作者,Plant Disease, 2020.8.5, IF=3.809 (学科前20%). (0)                                                        
8 2017202045 黄镜梅 农药学 88.89 130 61.90 0 58.41 (1)   Multiple target-site mutations occurring in lepidopterans confer resistance   to diamide insecticides (第一作者; Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; 2020.03;   IF=3.827; 学科前5%) (100) (2)   Susceptibility of fall armyworm, Spodoptera   frugiperda (J.E.Smmith), to eight insecticides in   China, with special reference to lambda-cyhalothrin   (第二作者 Pesticide   Biochemistry and Physiology; 2020.06; IF=2.751; 学科前20%) (12) (3) Molecular features and   expression profiles of octopamine receptors in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (第三作者;   Pest Management Science; 2019.03; IF=3.750; 学科前10%) (12)  (4) Molecular characterization and   expression profiling of ryanodine receptor gene in the pink stem borer,   Sesamia inferens (Walker) (第三作者; Pesticide Biochemistry and   Physiology; 2018.01; IF=2.751; 学科前20%) (6)
9 2018202009 逯欣宇 植物病理学 92.24 115 54.76 10 54.03 (1)   A rapid, equipment-free method for detecting Phytophthora infestans in the   field using a lateral flow strip-based recombinase polymerase amplification   assay (第一作者; Plant Disease; 2020.09; IF=3.809) (40) (2) Phytophthora Effectors Modulate Genome-wide Alternative   Splicing of Host mRNAs to Reprogram Plant Immunity   (第二作者; Molecular   Plant; 2020.07; IF=12.084) (60) (3)Natural allelic variations   provide insights into host adaptation of Phytophthora avirulence effector   PsAvr3c (第三作者; New Phytologist; 2019.01; IF=8.512) (15)
10 2019202015 董玉妹 植物病理学 93.08 110 52.38 0 51.21 (1) The mirid   bug Apolygus lucorum deploys a glutathione peroxidase as a candidate effector   to enhance plant susceptibility (第一作者; Journal of Experimental   Botany; 2020.05; IF=5.908) (80) (2) Genome-wide and functional   analyses of tyrosine kinase-like family genes reveal potential roles in   development and virulence in mosquito pathogen Pythium guiyangense (共同第一作者;   Fungal Genetics and Biology; 2019.04; IF=3.071) (24)   (3) The glycoside hydrolase 18 family chitinases are associated   with development and virulence in the mosquito pathogen Pythium guiyangense(第三作者; Fungal Genetics and   Biology; 2019.10; IF=3.071) (6)
11 2018202031 冯慧 植物病理学 88.42 100 47.62 35 50.44 (1)   Pathogenicity and fungicide sensitivity of Pythium and Phytopythium spp.   associated with soybean in the Huang-Huai region of China.  (第一作者;Plant Pathology; 2020.4;   IF=2.49) (40)      (2) A loop-mediated isothermal   amplification assay can rapidly diagnose soybean root-rot and damping-off   diseases caused by Pythium spinosum. (第一作者; Australasian Plant Pathology   ; 2019.7; IF=1.283) (20)
     (3) First Report of Phytophthora   parvispora Causing Root Rot of Concinna Prayer Plant in China.
(第三作者;   PLANT DISEASE; 2018.6; IF=3.451) (6)
     (4) Phytopythium nanjingense sp.   nov. (Pythiaceae, Peronosporales) from southern China based on morphological   and molecular characters.
 (第二作者;  Phytotaxa; 2019.3;   IF=1.267 ) (6)
     (5) Two new Pythium species from   southern China based on morphological and
    molecular characters.
(第二作者;  Phytotaxa; 2020.2;  IF=1.267) (6)
     (6) Conserved subgroups of the   plant-specific RWP-RK transcription factor family are present in oomycete   pathogens.
(第三作者; Frontiers in Microbiology2020.7   IF=4.526(12)
12 2017202048 周俞辛 农药学 89.73 100 47.62 0 47.07 (1)   Structural basis of Fusarium myosin I inhibition by phenamacril (第一作者;   PLOS pathogens; 2020.03; IF=6.218) (100)


序号 学号 姓名 专业 导师 学习成绩 科研成绩 科研成绩换算 综合成绩 总计 文章发表题目、注明第几作者、期刊、 发表时间、影响因子,(若期刊学科排名前5%10%、或20%请标出)按要求格式填写完整
1 2018102025 尹毛珠 植物病理学 叶文武 90.68 80 100.00 0 88.14 (1)   Conserved Subgroups of the Plant-Specific RWP-RK Transcription Factor Family   Are Present in Oomycete Pathogens (第一作者; Frontiers in Microbiology;   2020.07; 4.235) (80)
2 2018102125 来继星 农药学 李圣坤 89.37 80 100.00 0 87.87 (1)   Natural carbolines inspired the discovery of chiral CarOx ligands for   asymmetric synthesis and antifungal leads (第一作者; Organic Chemistry Frontiers;   2020.07; IF=5.155) (80)
3 2018102109 蒋洁 农业昆虫与害虫防治 赵春青 90.66 76 95.00 20 86.63 (1)   Novel alternative splicing of GABA receptor RDL exon 9 from Laodelphax   striatellus modulates agonist potency (第一作者; Insect Science; 2020.04;   IF=2.791) (40) (2)Acute toxicity, bioconcentration, elimination, action mode and   detoxification metabolism of broflanilide in zebrafish, Danio rerio (第三作者; Journal of Hazardous Materials; 2020.07; IF=9.038) (30) (3) Functional integrity of honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) RDL GABA   receptor channels conjugated with three fluorescent proteins (第三作者;   Insect Molecular Biology; 2018.11; IF=2.533)   (6)                                  
4 2019102126 章静 农药学 王鸣华 90.49 60 75.00 0 70.60 (1)   Stereoselective uptake and metabolism of prothioconazole caused oxidative   stress in zebrafish (Danio rerio) (第二作者; Journal of Hazardous   Materials; 2020.04; IF=9.038) (60)                                                                                                                                               (2) Enantioselective Detection, Bioactivity, and Metabolism of   the Novel Chiral Insecticide Fluralaner.第四作者,Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,前10%2020.4.234.192。(影响因子4-6的第四作者不加分)
5 2018102132 郭迪 农药学 吴顺凡 87.42 60 75.00 0 69.98 (1)   Sulfakinin inhibits activity of digestive enzymes in the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (第一作者;   Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology; 2020.09; IF=1.101(20)                                                                                                                      A mechanosensory   receptor TMC regulates ovary development in the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens(第一作者; Frontiers in Genetics ; 2020-09-03; IF=3.258(40)
6 2018102111 赵维诚 农药学 陈长军 88.18 58 72.50 0 68.39 (1) Resistance risk assessment for a novel succinate   dehydrogenase inhibitor pydiflumetofen in Fusarium asiaticum (第三作者;   Pest Management Science; 2020.08; IF=3.750; 学科前10%) (12) (2) Mutations and Overexpression of CYP51 Associated with   DMI-Resistance in Colletotrichum gloeosporioides from Chili (第三作者;   Plant Disease; 2020.03; IF=3.809) (6)                                                                                                                        (2).Detection   and fitness of dicarboximide-resistant isolates of Alternaria alternata from   Dendrobium officinale, a Chinese indigenous medicinal herb.第一作者,PLANT DISEASE,接收于202085日,影响因子IF=3.809(40)
7 2018102069 宋章蓉 农业昆虫与害虫防治 洪晓月 91.70 48 60.00 0 60.34 (1)   The microbiota in spider mite faeces potentially reflect intestinal bacterial   communities in the host (第二作者; Insect Science; 2020.08; IF=2.791) (12) (2) Variation in the microbiome of the spider mite Tetranychus truncatus with sex, instar and endosymbiont   infection (第二作者; FEMS Microbiology Ecology; 20209;   IF=3.675) (12) (3) Double infection of Wolbachia and Spiroplasma alters induced   plant defense and spider mite fecundity  (第二作者; Pest Management Science; 2020.05; IF=3.750; 学科前10%) (24) 
8 2018102115 陶娴 农药学 段亚冰 89.17 40 50.00 0 52.83 Antifungal activity and biological characteristics of the novel   fungicide quinofumelin against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (第一作者PLANT   DISEASE 接收时间:20200917   IF=3.809(40)
9 2018102124 崔鹏程 农药学 李圣坤 86.44 35 43.75 0 47.91 (1)   Late-Stage C-H Functionalization of Nicotinamides for the Expedient Discovery   of Novel Antifungal Leads (第二作者; Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistey; 2019.10;   IF=3.571;学科前5%) (30)                                                                                                                                      Enantioselective   Total Synthesis, Divergent Optimization and Preliminary Biological Evaluation   of (Indole-N-alkyl)-diketopiperazines 共同一作 Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters  IF2.448        第一作者单位非南农
10 2018102029 陈明龙 植物病理学 陶小荣 91.30 30 37.50 0 44.51 (1)   Rescue of tomato spotted wilt virus entirely from complementary DNA clones (第三作者;  Proceedings of the National Academy of   Sciences of the United States of America; 2019.12;  IF=9.412) (30)
11 2018102063 苗春丽 农业昆虫与害虫防治 董双林 89.88 30 37.50 0 44.23 (1)   The Molecular Basis of Host Selection in a Crucifer-Specialized Moth (第三作者; Current Biology; 2020.09; IF=9.601) (30)
12 2018102077 赵佳佳 农业昆虫与害虫防治 李保平 88.69 30 37.50 0 43.99 (1)   Chemical polymorphism regulates the attractiveness to nymphs in the bean bug   Riptortus pedestris (第二作者;   Journal of Pest Science; 2020.08; IF=4.578; 学科前5%) (30)
13 2018102127 樊剑锋 农药学 苏建亚 86.25 30 37.50 0 43.50 (1)   Xenobiotic transcription factors CncC and maf regulate expression of   CYP321A16 and CYP332A1 that mediate chlorpyrifos resistance in Spodoptera   exigua(第三作者;Journal of   Hazardous Materials,发表时间:2020IF=9.038(30)
14 2018102061 王艳辉 农业昆虫与害虫防治 陈法军 90.44 24 30.00 5 39.59 (1)   Differences in midgut transcriptomes between resistant and susceptible   strains of Chilo suppressalis to Cry1C toxin (第二作者; BMC Genomics; 2020.09;   IF=3.594) (12)               (2)   Elevated CO2 alters transgene methylation not only in promoterregion but also   in codingregion of Bt rice under different N-fertilizer levels 第二作者   Scientific Reports  刚接收 IF=3.998 12
15 2018102071 林培炯 农业昆虫与害虫防治 胡高 89.98 22 27.50 10 38.25 (1)   2019年北京市延庆区草地贪夜蛾种群动态与虫源分析 (第一作者; 植物保护学报; 2020.08; 中文一类) (10) (2)   Migratory Take-Off Behaviour of the Mongolian Grasshopper Oedaleus asiaticus (第三作者;   Insects; 2020.07; IF=2.22) (6) (3) Plagues of Desert Locusts: Very Low Invasion Risk to China   (第三作者; Insects; 2020.09; IF=2.22) (6)
16 2018102052 周晓莉 植物病理学 张正光 91.53 20 25.00 0 35.81 The   influence of genetically modified glyphosate-tolerant maize CC-2 on   rhizosphere bacterial communities revealed by MiSeq sequencing (第一作者;   Plant, Soil and Environment; 2020.08; IF=1.324) (20)
17 2018102075 李卓苗 农业昆虫与害虫防治 李保平 90.58 20 25.00 0 35.62 (1)A new species of Cheiloneurus Westwood (Hymenoptera,   Encyrtidae) as a hyperparasitoid of the invasive cotton mealybug, Phenacoccus   solenopsis Tinsley, in China (第一作者; Zookeys; 2020.10; IF=1.137) (20)                                                             
18 2018102064 侯雯 农业昆虫与害虫防治 董双林 90.25 18 22.50 0 33.80 (1)   Functional characterization of two spliced variants of fructose gustatory   receptor in the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (第二作者; Pesticide Biochemistry and   Physiology; 2020.03; IF=2.751) (12) (2)A Gustatory Receptor GR8 Tunes   Specifically to D-Fructose in the Common Cutworm Spodoptera litura (第三作者; Insects; 2019.08; IF=2.22) (6)
19 2019802143 沈方圆 资源利用与植物保护 陈法军 89.24 15 18.75 5 31.47 (1)   高抗、中抗和高感虫品种混播对大豆产量及主要害虫种群发生和昆虫群落多样性的影响 (第一作者;   应用昆虫学报; 2020.01; 中文一类) (10)
20 2019102116 陶莎 农药学 高聪芬 88.80 12 15.00 20 30.26 (1)   Pymetrozine inhibits reproductive behavior of brown planthopper Nilaparvata   lugens and fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster (第二作者; Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology; 2020.05; IF=2.751) (12)                                                                          (2) Biochar mitigates the negative effect of chloropicrin   fumigation on beneficial soil microorganisms (第三作者; Science of The Total   Environment; 2020.06; 6.551) (15)   非南农第一作者单位,且导师不在其中
21 2018102051 叶子园 植物病理学 张正光 93.13 12 15.00 0 29.13 (1)   Phosphatase-associated protein MoTip41 interacts with the phosphatase MoPpe1   to mediate crosstalk between TOR and cell wall integrity signalling during   infection by the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae (第三作者;   Environmental Microbiology; 2020.06; IF=4.933) (12)